Saturday, March 8, 2008

It has begun. Michael and I met with our case worker about our home study and have begun the compilation of paperwork. I now know what they meant at the seminar about being paperwork pregnant! We have to gather a ton of information, have friends give references, get fingerprinted and send them off for background checks, write down endless information from how many square feet of living space do we have to where our fire extinguisher is located-we got one-it is so cool I almost wish I needed to use it! We have to write an autobiography about ourselves and answer a lot of questions about the child we are wanting. In the mean time (haha) we have to put together our family profile and and send out support letters. It is exciting but exhausting at the same time. I feel like I can work on it all day and not make much of a dent. 
Please continue to pray for finances and for the home study to go smoothly. We are also praying for a healthy baby and birth mother, and we would appreciate prayer for the written parts of out home study and profile. Part of the profile is a Dear Birth Mother letter and this maybe more then anything else weighs on my mind. I want to present who we are while being sensitive to our audience and I am having a hard to time. Praise God we do have the finances to pay the consultation fee and home study fee. Thanks for your prayer and continued support. -Hannah