Friday, February 29, 2008

Step One

Yesterday we met with Tracie, our adoption consultant to begin the process. It was so exciting to set up a game plan and be reassured that this journey can be made.We contacted our social worker and set up our first appointment. That will begin the paperwork pregnancy stage. God has been so faithful in providing even in these early beginnings. We have enough support coming in to cover the consultation fee and home study so far. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.- Hannah

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Beginning of a Journey

As some of you know Michael and I have been considering adopting a child. In the past six months God has impressed strongly on us both His heart for adoption. As James 1:27 says true religion is caring for the orphan and the widow. Since our two miscarriages we feel enthusiastic about enlarging our family.
The first steps to our journey will be to get a home study and family profile completed. A home study is a report done by a social worker that evaluates family, home, and general ability to care for a child. A family profile is a presentation of information and pictures of us for the agencies to show to the potential birth mothers. We will be working with a consultant from Christian Adoption Consultants.
Financially this will be a huge undertaking and we are currently raising funds to help with the adoption costs. If you would be willing to help in this way please click the paypal DONATE button. We are currently working on setting us a tax free donation account in which donation would be tax deductible. More info to come...